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Payment & Refund Policy


Payment & Refund Policy

Effective from: June 1, 2021

This payments & refund policy outlines the rules and regulations regarding payments, cancellations and refunds of our services or other packages.



Your Acceptance

You acknowledge that you have read and understood our payments & refund policy and agree to be bound by it.

If you do not agree with or cannot comply with it, then you may not use Our Services, but please let us know by emailing us at [email protected] so we can try to find a solution. 



Accepted Payment Methods

We accepts mobile money, bank transfers, credit / debit cards. Cash is accepted in exceptional cases.

Please note that some financial institutions might charge you extra processing fees when you opt to use their methods.


Mobile Money:

All Mobile Money transfers must be sent to the number given to you on your bill only. 

Third party payment processors may be used in receiving Mobile Money Payments in some cases by us.
Please notify us after a transfer and ask for a receipt for your payment if not issued with one after at least 7 days.

Bank Transfers:

All bank transfers must be sent to Wilank Travel Agency and funds must clear completely in our account.
Our bank account number shall be given to you when you are ready.

Please notify us after a transfer and ask for a receipt for your payment if not issued with one after at least 7 days.


Credit / Debit Cards:

We accept mainly Visa and Mastercard.
Funds must clear in our bank account to consider it as payment received. 

Please notify us after a transfer and ask for a receipt for your payment if not issued with one after at least 7 days.
We advise that, before requesting a chargeback contact us first for a solution at [email protected]


Currency Exchange Rates

Only the current Ghana Commercial Bank's "Selling Rates" are accepted.



Discounts shall be applied only when paying the full service charge if indicated in the agreement document.



Cancellation Policy

Cancellation by You

You can cancel at anytime provided you have not signed any agreement with us. But after signing an agreement with us  you will have to pay us the stated cancellation fee stated. If no fee is stated then the full cost of the service before a cancellation is accepted.

Cancellation by Us

We may terminate or suspend our operations for you and bar access to Our Services immediately, without prior notice to you and without any liability for reasons such as; Giving us trouble and breaching of the signed contract' Terms & Conditions.

All documents shall be released with immediate effect or within 90 working days provided we are in control of its release. Please note that no payment shall be refunded but you rather shall pay us in full all losses we have incurred in operating for you and/or any cancellation fee stated which you have agreed to.




Generally we refund fully your payments excluding the financial institution's charges if we accept the refund request. 

All our services will have its own refund rules and we advise you read and understand the rules of any specific service you choose before forming a contract with us.


Not Refundable Fees:
These fees are Not Refundable: APPOINTMENT FEES.

Refundable Fees: 
FAST & SUPER FAST SERVICE FEES are refundable if ONLY the deadline stated on the agreement is not met by Wilank Travel unless otherwise stated that its not refundable. In a situation where things that are beyond our control such as but not limited to sicknesses, natural disasters, government or embassy's operations etc prevents us to meet the deadline, Wilank Travel shall not refund the payment if you were given a prior notice of the problem. You have the right to demand evidences of problems we informed you are those stopping us to meet a deadline for you.

Payment of Refunds:
Once your request is accepted, your payment shall be returned as agreed using the same method and details  you used to pay. Under no circumstance shall refund payments be made using a different method other than the one used in payment for the service or be made to another person unless otherwise agreed to in writing.



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